Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blogging Logjam

On the very edge of my rather large feet (I couldn't say "tiptoe" because really, how old AM i?
In which I very carefully, very slowly..

Return to my blogging activities....
 The problem with blogging, like exercise, is that when you stop doing it (I'll just take a break for a week, or maybe 10 days...) is that you start to get all log jammed.  There's so many things to say, that you just don't even know where to start back up again.  So then weeks turn into months.  Many months.  It sort of becomes embarrassing when friends from the blog world stop by.  And of course they are far too polite to say, "So what have you done since last, uh, October?" but one wonders if they think it.

So I've been thinking about the qualities of the blogs that I really love.  The ones that whenever they update (and well, they do update a lot) that I really look forward to reading. What do they have in common?

They're short, usually.
They have a sense of humor. Not Captain Comedy humor, but I feel good when I visit.
They focus on small things - not big elaborate art trips, or fancy classes, or showing off this and that. Because even if you don't want to show off, sometimes when you only blog about the big things, maybe it comes out that way.  I don't want to be 'that blogger.'

So, I'm going to try it that way for a bit.  See if I can update more often. See if I can just show you the little things that quite thrill me.  Like my new succulents.  See them above?  I've always wanted to grow them, ever since I was a kid and loved my Welsh grandmother's rock garden where I'd hide out under the bushes and pet the plants.  So far they seem to be doing ok.  I've added some choice crystals to their bowl, because they might just help the plants feel more positive vibes.  I want them to be happy plants.


merr said...

It has been so long. Don't worry. It happens to all of us, well, at the very least me also. I will still keep looking and wondering and enjoy your pictures and art along the way.

Tessa said...

Ooh, your plants look amazing - so...succulent! :) I always love looking at your photos.

I know what you mean about having a hard time keeping up with blogging. Life gets in the way sometimes. Don't worry about it, and just pop in whenever you feel like it. We will be here waiting to see what is new with you whenever you post! :)

Vanessa said...

Yay a post from Jane! I think a few of us are guilty of the backlog, so you are not alone :) I will say I appreciate the small type posts because they are easy to digest, but then sometimes it becomes a task to follow/keep up. It's a vicious cycle!
But like Tessa said, don't feel pressured! We'll be happily waiting to read whatever it is you can share with us <3

Fate Filled Times said...

SO glad to see you back! I'm am one of your many Canadian fans :)

I am on and off with blogging, so I can totally relate to taking a sabbatical here and there. I think the PEI trip got me blogging more regularly because I really enjoyed the connection to such wonderful people.

I'm just realizing you MUST be on instagram...but I don't think I have you as a contact. We should fix that!


Fate Filled Times said...

Ok, I lied, I DO have you on instagram. Good!