Sunday, February 24, 2008

Green Pepper - do I dare?

I've been watching the Green Pepper Street Team challenges for months now, meaning to take Michelle Ward up on the challenge to not only create a blog, but create some art. Mostly I'm better at shopping for supplies and reading art inspiration books than I am at actually making something, but this month her challenge was just too tempting. This month's challenge - create an art journal kit! I've got my box, I'm painting my papers, I'm busily bookmarking all the sites on art step, get a blog to display the work. So here it is. My blog. I'll put up an ATC that I made last summer just to show you what my art looks like.

1 comment:

Toni Curtis said...

I love your ATC, and those papers are yummy. Your art box is the perfect size for carrying along whever you go. Great job!!!Toni